Savings Accounts

Savings AccountsAPPLY ONLINE NOW!

Our Savings Account with a minimum to open of $50.00 is an easy, straightforward way of saving your money. You can add any amount at any time and it’s the easiest way to save for that something special or for that rainy day.

You can open a Regular Savings Account whether you are an existing Commonwealth Bank customer or not, and can save what you like when you like. It can simply be whatever spare money you have available, or a set amount saved regularly each month. You choose whatever you find best suits your budget.


  • Open a Savings Account with as little as $50.00
  • Interest is calculated on the average daily balance over $50.00 and the total is added to your savings monthly
  • The rate of interest will vary from time to time, but is always on display at all Commonwealth Bank branches.

US Dollar Savings
Take a step toward attaining your financial goals with a US Dollar Savings Account. Interest is calculated on the average daily balance and paid monthly to the account. The account is also easily accessible — withdrawals, deposits and transfers between accounts can be made at any of our branches.

Getting Started
To find out more about our CB Regular Savings Account visit any of our convenient locations in New Providence, Grand Bahama, Eleuthera or Abaco or simply call the branch nearest to you.