Real Property Loans

Commonwealth Bank Real Property

Secure your property today; build your dream home later!

Our loan approval process to purchase real estate is straightforward and efficient. If you are considering investing in real estate, we are here…ready and waiting to help.

Our features allow you to select a loan to meet your individual needs.

If you are eighteen years or older, stably employed with a minimum of two years on your current job, and fall within the Bank’s credit requirements, we can accommodate your loan up to 90% based on the cost of the land with a maximum term of 15 years based on the value of the property.

To more readily assist our Customer Service Representatives; please bring in the relevant items from the following list:

  • Job Letter
  • First four pages of Passport
  • National Insurance Card
  • Bank Reference Letter
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Purchase Agreement
  • Appraisal of property within last twelve months
  • Statement of service charges
  • Annual Life Insurance Policy (if over $30,000)

  • Mortgage Loan
  • Real Property Financing